Hentai, a form of anime and manga pornography, is an abbreviation of hentai seyioku meaning “sexual pervasion.” Rather than depicting a genre of the media, hentai describes a weird and abnormal sexual act and these works can be seen in a variety of media in modern society; from clips to artworks, video games to comics, hentai manga has become a generally accepted form of pornography today.
The development and promotion of hentai are heavily influenced by the Japanese culture and its attitude towards sexuality and while hentai manga is still very much affiliated with the Japanese tradition, this erotic anime is being published regularly in countries like the US and the UK.
How then did this erotic anime come about?
A Short History of Hentai
Generally, erotic manga has been traced as far back as the 16th century when it was known as shunga. In 1932 however, the earliest known pornographic anime, suzumibune, was created by Hakusan Kimura. This hentai manga has never been viewed by the public and this is because the movie was seized by the police while it was still half complete. In 1984, the first original video animation depicting the first erotic anime was released titled “Lolita Anime” by Wonder Kids. With this, several naruto hentai has been subsequently created and published.
What Hentai Entails
Generally, hentai is known to be fetishistic, wild, and extreme. Most anime today do not depict normal sexual situations. This is because there is high demand for naruto hentai depicting things the audience or gamers lack the courage to do in reality or are deemed impossible to engage in or simply because some of the actions portrayed are illegal. Hentai with more extreme and fetish sexual acts that break social norms such as school sex, bondage, etc., tend to enjoy more market success. With this, hentai is sometimes used as a platform for suppressed desire.
In the criminal code of Japan, Article 175 forbids any form of publication of anything offensive to recent standards of morality and decency. With this, sexual intercourse between male and female, pubic hair, and some other acts are considered obscene. This is why hentai manga traditionally produced and published in Japan usually have blurring dots on the genitalia in a pornographic video and lights or bars on images. Hentai was made and published in the US however most times contains scenes with no form of censoring.
Age Restrictions
Just like other adult content, hentai manga is age-restricted and as such cannot be purchased or viewed by people under 18. Real-life child pornography is banned and possession of sexual images under 18 in Japan attracts a fine of 1 million yen and less than a year in prison. Hentai depicting child pornography is considered a felony in the US and should therefore not be possessed.
The Hentai Market
The US particularly has become a major market for hentai anime as search interest for hentai nearly doubled in just four years from 2012 to 2016. Hentai has become quite popular that anyone familiar with adult content must have heard, seen, or viewed it.
Irrespective of one’s views or customs, hentai is known to be generally enjoyed privately and while some of the acts may feel creepy, hentai has explored so many fantasies today.